Small ensuite bathrooms with little bathroom shelf area often pose a challenge regarding storage due to the minimal space. However, you can maximize the storage potential of even the smallest bathrooms by utilizing vertical space. One excellent solution is to incorporate a floating bathroom shelf. In this article, we will explore the benefits of floating shelves and provide creative ideas on how to use them effectively in small ensuite bathrooms.

The Benefits of a Bathroom Shelf

Floating shelves are an excellent choice for small ensuite bathrooms due to their space-saving design and versatility. Unlike traditional shelving units, floating shelves are mounted directly onto the wall, without any visible brackets or supports. This creates a clean, streamlined appearance, while also freeing up floor space. By utilizing vertical space, floating shelves allow you to store and display items such as toiletries, towels, and decorative pieces without taking up precious square footage.

Creative Ideas

Above the Toilet: Install floating shelves above the toilet to make use of the often-unused space. This provides a convenient spot to store extra toilet paper, toiletries, and small decorative items. Be mindful of the height of the shelves, ensuring they don’t interfere with your movements or pose any safety hazards.

Beside the Mirror: Mount floating shelves on either side of the bathroom mirror. This not only adds visual interest to the space but also provides a practical storage solution for frequently used items like toothbrushes, toothpaste, and skincare products. It keeps these essentials within reach while keeping the countertops clutter-free.

Around the Vanity: Incorporate floating shelves around the vanity area to create additional storage. You can place bins or baskets on the shelves to organize items like hair styling tools, cosmetics, and grooming products. Consider using shelves of varying lengths and heights for added visual appeal.

Over the Bathtub: If you have a bathtub in your small ensuite bathroom, consider installing floating shelves above it. This provides a convenient spot to store bath essentials such as bath salts, candles, and books for a relaxing bathing experience. Ensure the shelves are mounted securely to prevent accidents.

Styling and Arranging 101 

Keep it Minimal: To maintain a clean and organized look, avoid overcrowding the shelves. Leave some empty space to create a sense of openness and prevent the shelves from appearing cluttered. When it comes to arranging a bathroom shelf in small ensuite bathrooms, less is more!

Group Similar Items: Arrange items in groups or clusters to create a cohesive and visually pleasing display on your shelf. For example, group skincare products together, stack folded towels, or display decorative items in sets of odd numbers for an aesthetically pleasing arrangement.

Mix Functionality and Style: The floating shelves showcase functional and decorative items. This ensures that the shelves not only serve a practical purpose but also add to the bathroom’s overall aesthetic.

In small ensuite bathrooms, utilizing vertical space is essential for maximizing storage. Floating shelves provide an effective solution by creating additional storage without occupying floor space. You can transform your small bathroom into a functional and organized oasis by strategically incorporating floating shelves above the toilet, beside the mirror, around the vanity, or over the bathtub.

Connect With Opal Baths & Design Today

If you live in Oakville or the surrounding areas, it’s time to contact Opal Baths & Design for all your bathroom renovation needs. Our talented designers are here to make your dreams a reality. Small ensuite bathrooms have plenty of opportunity to add a fun flair to their design. There are many creative ways to achieve the exact look you desire.

To get started on creating your dream oasis, visit our showroom to see our materials and hardware at 4104 Fairview St., Burlington. You can visit us at and check out our Facebook and Instagram for more information.